- Injection Moulded Construction – durable, leak-proof environmentfor complete safety and long life
- Cassette Type Electrodes – inexpensive, easy to replace
- Electrodes made of 99.99%corrosion resistant, pure platinum
- Electrical Safety – lid can beattached in a single orientation.On removal, power isdisconnected from bufferchamber
- Multiple Gel Trays – eliminate theneed for additional gel tanks
- Easy Click Lid Removal
Multi Sub Mini, 7 x 10cm UV Tray, 2 x 8 sample, 1mm thick combs, casting dams, loading guides
The MultiSUB Mini is the smallest unit in the range, designed for low to medium numbers of samples.
Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific
Cleaver Scientific