from 19th Jan – 26th Feb 2021
As low as THB 999.- per sample, you can get your 16S Metagenomic Sequencing completed! This is what you can do:
Get your colleagues to join our SOS program (Share Our Seq Program) and if we achieve the target number of samples, everyone will receive the special price
172 Samples (If we receive a total of 172 samples) = THB 999.- per Sample
96 Samples (If we receive a total of 96 samples) = THB 2,000.- per Sample
48 Samples (If we receive a total of 48 samples) = THB 2,500.- per Sample
*Number of reads per sample = 100,000 reads
No minimum of samples required as long as we receive the target number of sample above collectively, the special price above will apply.
So get your friends and colleagues to send the samples to us so that we can achieve the special price together!
All included;
- Sample QC
- Sample Preparation
- Sequencing
- Bioinformatics
Omics Sciences and Bioinformatics Center
Email: | Tel: 02-218-5165
Terms and Conditions of the Promotion Campaign provided by Omics Center, Illumina and Bio-Active Co., Ltd.
1) Promotion duration: 19th January to 26th February 2021
2) Must submit metagenomic DNA samples before 26th March 2021
3) High quality DNA samples required (purity ratio 260/280 and 230/260 near 1.8)
4) Minimum volume 10 ul and DNA concentration 10 ng/ul required
5) Guarantee 100,000 sequencing reads per samples
6) Must register and sign quotation approval
7) Bioinformatics include OTUs table, alpha and beta diversity, taxonomic profiling and summary report (please see an example)