The IntelliPlex™ 1000 πCode Processor is a fully automated workstation designed for πCode processing. Its 4-in-1 capabilities include πCode MicroDisc hybridization, washing, incubation, and labeling. Instrument software includes built-in modes for PlexBio assays and the ability to program custom molecular or immunoassays on the 7-inch industrial touchscreen panel.
IntelliPlexTM 1000 πCode Processor
Features include:
• Touchscreen: Features a 7-inch industrial panel, Real-time display of processing status
• Shaking/Incubation: Adjustable time, temperature, and RPM
• Washing: Minimizing of MicroDisc loss with movable magnetic plate, automatic rinsing to prevent tube blocking
• Fluorescence labeling: Automated fluorescence reagent dispensing
Specification CLICK HERE